Farewell Columbus.
It's true, home really is where the heart is. And a huge chunk of my heart is my family. I didn't grow up in Columbus, but have visited often for as long as my parents have lived there. 9 years. That's a long time.
My father retired on Friday and they're moving to Phoenix next week, so I decided to visit them in Columbus one last time. It was bittersweet. I'm really stoked about my dad getting to spend more time doing whatever his heart desires and that they'll get to spend more time together. I also think it's great that they'll be near my niece and nephew - a great source of happiness.
We were supposed to to help them move but ended up taking it easy, which is sometimes exactly what you need.
We checked out Old Man's Cave at Hocking Hills State Park- I hadn't been before. I was really not excited but it turned out to be a pretty cool experience since it was foggy and a little eery. Ohio is so pretty in the fall.