I juiced.

I believe in moderation, including exercise and diet. Nothing too crazy, no fad diets or activities needed for a healthy lifestyle. So this whole juicing craze has never particularly appealed to me, especially not in the form of cleanses. It's also expensive. So I decided to try it.

Will it actually spark a healthier lifestyle? Do I have the will power? What exactly is my relationship with food?

I have just completed day 3 of 3, drinking only seven 16 oz. juices. What I learned, is that I'm really not as hungry as I think I am. I am also obsessed with eating. Ultimately, I need to make healthier choices.

I didn't feel particularly hungry throughout this, maybe at the end of day 2 and 3 when I thought about how I hadn't eaten anything solid all day long or the days before. But it really feels like eating is largely a mental thing for me which is probably true for most people. I eat way more than I need to. I LOVE food and the act of eating is so fun. We live in a consumption-based society all around. I basically constantly was reminded of food and that I wanted to eat. No surprises here.

I was actually a lot more productive when food wasn't helping me procrastinate. I do feel better than normal though - my skin looks and feels better. Feeling this way does steer me towards wanting to make healthier choices and maybe I'll be able to distinguish between hunger and just the desire to eat.

Unlikely that I'll do another cleanse, but it was an interesting experience. Can't wait to go to sleep so that I can wake up and eat!

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