Two poignant reads.

There are two books I want to share with you. I think both of them have something for everyone, whether you were the intended audience or not.

The first is 'Living When A Loved One Has Died'. A somber topic but relevant to us all, whether we have experienced it or not yet. I liked that it read like a long, casual poem - not the typical "self-help" book. The concepts and approach to loss really resonated with me. And I actually think it advocates processing your emotions in a way that can and should be applied in general. It's a quick read. It'll take you like 30 minutes and you'll remember that we are human, death is real, and we will feel many ways. It's all natural and it's all okay.


Follow that up with a more cheerful read. 'The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion' is inspiring, quick and cute. I loved this one and felt so invigorated since this is the journey I am currently on. This one is also easy and actually fun to read with lots of visuals. I used to talk to my mother a lot about this book's message - how I struggled to find direction and many times did things that worked against myself. She really encouraged me to listen to myself, take risks and go for it. After her diagnosis she shared her own stories and told me that all we have is now.

Don't let yourself be your biggest obstacle.

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